Vassili Vassilievitch Kotchoubey / Василий Васильевич Кочубей (1892-1971)

(b. in Zgurovka, Russia 10.03.1892 – died in 14.03.1971 in Neuffen West Germany)

Vassili Vassilievitch / Василий Васильевич Кочубей was the son of Vassili Petrovich / Василий Петрович (1868-1940) and Varavara Vassilievna / Варвара Васильевна (1869-1948).

Vassili Vassilievitch Kotchoubey 1908

By 1914, he lived at Nadezhdinskaya 41 / Надеждинская 41 (today known as Deputatskaya /  Депутатская улица) which over an estuary of the Neva in Northern St. Petersburg on Krestovskovo Island / Крестовский остров which among other reasons was where the Princes Belosselsky-Belozersky /  князей Белосельских-Белозерских had their sizeable estate.

Not much is known about Vassili’s romantic attachments but a curious posting on the internet by the owner of Vassili’s alleged baptismal cross, suggests that his first real love may have been Maria Dmitrievna Alexandrova / Мария Дмитриевна Александрова  (?-?) who was a member of the minor nobility and whose family, according to one internet based source, held land in the Orlovsky Gubernia /Region.  According to the relative who posted the information on the Kotchoubey blog hosted on she was gifted the alleged baptismal cross in 1914 just before, Vassili left to fight on the front as a cornet in  Her Imperial Highness Empress Maria Feodorvna’s Horse Guards Regiment, 1st Horse Guard Division, in the 3rd Squadron /  Кавалергардский Ее Величества Государыни Императрицы Марии Федоровны полк 1-й гвардейской кавалерийской дивизии, 3-й зскадрон. The only indication apart from the story that has been passed down to our days, is the birthdate that is engraved which is 25.02 and given the shortened February month is the old style date that corresponds to 10.03. It would be in fact wonderful to  on the cross.

After the war, Vassili married Sophia Maria Alexandra Ostrorog-Sadowska, a member of the polish nobility which dates back to the 1200s. She was the daughter of Kazimierz Roman Maria Ostroróg-Sadowski (1863-?) who was the son of Jan Adam Ostroróg-Sadowski and Aleksandra (née Pęcherzewska). Kazimierz  married Emilia Eugenia (née Nałęczand) in 1893.  Sophia was one of their two daughters.  Vassili and Sophia had one child, a daughter, Varvara Vassilievna, who was born in 1922.


* 10.03.1892
+ 14.03.1971 н.ст.

Сын камергера В.П. Кочубея. Среднее образование получил в Вене и Санкт-Петербурге. Окончил Царскосельское реальное училище. В службу вступил в 1911 вольноопределяющимся в Кавалергардский полк (в 3-й эск.). Произведен в Корнеты после сдачи экзамена при Николаевском кав. училище (1912). Участник мировой войны. Поручик (08.05.1916). Штабс-Ротмистр (28.08.1916). После окончания 26.01.1917 подготовительных курсов Николаевской военной академии (1-й очереди) назначен ст. адъютантом в штаб 34-го арм. корпуса (командир ген. П.П. Скоропадский). В 12.1917 уволен. В 04.1918 вернулся на службу а украинскую армию и был личным адъютантом гетмана Украины П.П. Скоропадского. Полковник. В эмиграции в Германии. Сотрудник журналов “Часовой”, “Военная Быль”. Умер в Нейфене (Германия).

Vassili Vassilievitch and Sophia (née Ostrorog-Sadkowska) with their daughter Varvara Vassilievna in 1922
Vassili Vassilievitch Kotchoubey and his wife Sop (née Ostrorog-Sadowska) with their daughter Varvara Vassilievna in 1922

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