Silver-gilt Tankard of Vassili Vassilievitch Kotchoubey c1700

pic.tankardOriginally stated to have been sold sold by online auction house / antique dealer in Kiev, Ukraine (see colour photo) but this was a misleading website posting as the actual tankard is a silver-gilt nielloed tankard* c. 1700 belonging to Vassily Vassilevich Kotchoubey, colonel of the Poltava Regiment located at the Ukrainian Institute of America (see


*black & white photos as photographed in Alexander von Solodkoff’s book Russian Gold and Silverwork 17th-19th Century

Vassili Leontievitch Kotchoubey's cup (possibly Ukrainian 18th c)
Vassili Leontievitch Kotchoubey’s cup (possibly Ukrainian 18th c)

Silver tankard possibly by Ukrainian silversmiths c.1700

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