Princess Sophia Victorovna / Софья Викторовна was born in St. Petersburg on July 18th, 1896 and she spent his childhood at the storied palace of Dikanka in the Poltava region. Sophia was the youngest child and joined her older brother Victor Victorovitch / Виктор Викторович (1893 -1953) and Countess Nadejda “Tana” Victorovna Tolstaya (née Princess Kotschoubey) / Надежда Викторовна Толстая (1894 -1967).
Sophia was the daughter of Prince Victor Sergeievitch / Виктор Сергеевич Кочубей (1860-1923) and Elena Konstantinovna (née Princess Beloselskaya-Belozerskaya) / Елена Константиновна Белосельская-Белозерская (1869-1944).

Sophia’s short life was cut down by typhus and she died in Constantinople shortly after her evacuation from Sevastopol on February 3rd 1920 a few months before the White Army would evacuate in its entirety with Baron Wrangel in November 1920. She left Russia with her husband Georgi Stepanovitch Woyevodsky / Георгий Степанович Воеводский (8.03.1891- 04.07.1950) who was born in St. Petersburg into an illustrious naval family which counted among its ancestors the Admiral Pavel Nakhimov who was a Crimean War hero. Georgi was also a war hero and he was a graduate of the corps de pages as well as an officer on the Horse Guards regiment (chevaliers-gardes). He was awarded a sword with the order of St, George for bravery as well as the order of St. George 4th class (see photograph). In addition he was a colonel in the Voluntary Army of General Deniken. He died in Lake Forest, IL, a couple of years before his brother-in-law Victor Viktorovitch.